Monthly Archives: September 2008

The debate will go on

I am happy to hear that Senator McCain will attend the debate tonight. I was worried that if Senator Obama was the only one to show up someone out there might claim the media coverage was one-sided.

Now I don’t have to worry.

I will try to watch the debate online at I believe everyone else in the nation will be watching on their television set, one of which I personally do not own. The only times I miss not having a TV are the times when something really important is on, like a presidential debate or a Ricky Martin performance. Thank the gods for Internet.

Are you registered to vote?

For those of you who wish have your say in our next president, Oct 6th is the deadline for Florida residents to register to vote. Get it done early. You know how things go around here.

More information on voting information here:
Edited to add the link. (the Rav link really didn’t make sense, did it? lol)
Voting information for state of Florida residents: