Category Archives: Uncategorized

Website Update: Testing Out a New Home

If you came here looking for I am sorry to inform you I have pulled that website offline.

I am currently testing out Blogger to see if I want to move this site over there or keep it here.


Click Here to Visit SobeStreets

For the time being, all new content is being uploaded to so check in there if you’re looking for information on South Beach.

Sample Page One

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Can I interest you in a... Smirnoff?

Curabitur a eleifend sem. Cras tortor dui, hendrerit sit amet iaculis non, viverra vitae urna. Nullam in quam eu felis dapibus mattis at a sem. Nam nisl purus, posuere nec volutpat in, rutrum sed nibh. Aliquam auctor viverra ligula ac varius. Duis tellus lectus, lacinia in venenatis vitae, cursus ut orci. Donec eleifend sodales hendrerit. Suspendisse sodales bibendum tortor, vitae congue mi consequat vel.

The Red Room

Etiam sapien neque, congue et semper ac, laoreet in risus. Donec imperdiet purus ac nisi lobortis non euismod dui condimentum. Curabitur sollicitudin volutpat erat, et tincidunt sapien condimentum nec. Integer imperdiet dictum ultrices. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc augue tellus, aliquet in adipiscing sit amet, scelerisque et justo. Mauris vitae iaculis diam. Maecenas tempor tellus velit, vel convallis turpis.

Mashable gives the best advice, or seems to…

I’m reading a post on Mashable about ways to make your presentations more sociable. The first paragraph ends with…

You want your presentation to engage people in a conversation that leads to a closed deal, a new partnership, or a round of funding.

I read that as “…a new partnership, or a round of fucking.”

Why yes, that would make things more sociable, wouldn’t it?

As always, great tip, Mashable!

Snow is Forecast for Miami Beach!

On Friday, Dec 4 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. the North Shore Park Youth Center will put on the 4th Annual Winter Wonderland in Miami Beach. There will be 50 tons of snow along with special guests from the North Pole, carnival rides, food, games, holiday performances and caroling.

Winter Wonderland at North Shore Park
501 72nd Street
Friday, Dec. 4, 2009
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

White Party 2009

Welcome boys and girls all, to the 25th annual White Party Week, the oldest and largest HIV/AIDS fundraiser in the world.

The celebration began Wednesday night and will continue on through Monday. Just like last year, we are having a bit of cool weather which is putting a damper on all those half-nekkid boys running all over town. Darn it all. It is all for a good cause, so I can’t complain too much. But wouldn’t it be nice if Mother Nature would cooperate a bit?

Where to watch Cotto vs Pacquiao in Miami Beach, Nov 14

If you are looking for a place to watch the Cotto vs Pacquiao fight Saturday Nov 14 try these two bars in South Beach:

Liquor Lounge
1560 Collins Ave (corner of 16th & Collins)
Miami Beach (305) 672-7171

Ted’s Hideaway
124 2nd Ave
Miami Beach 305-532-9869

Cover charge: $20

Liquor Lounge: Try to 16th St. garage, located between Collins and Washington Avenues, or try your luck with street parking.

Ted’s: The closest garage is on 6th Street.


That’s the mnemonic to remember how to get back to the Beach when you are at the bus station downtown and you don’t care which bus you ride, you just want to GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE.

This little gem comes to us from Lil Pony, who writes a entertaining blog about Miami Dade Transit.

When you are waiting at Omni Station, do you have trouble remembering which busses go to the Beach? It’s simple! Any bus whose letter designation can be found in the phrase “MIAMI SUCKS” will take you to the beach. The M, A, S, C, and K all go there. U and I don’t count.